
Scope, Functions and Grievance Procedure

The cell will deal with the following grievances received online. Those who wish to register the grievance can use the link given below:

File Grievance – Click Here

  • Academic Matters: Related to timely issue of duplicate Mark-sheets, Transfer Certificates, Conduct Certificates or other examination related matters.
  • Financial matters: Related to dues and payments for various items from library, hostels etc.
  • Other Matters: Related to certain misgivings about conditions of sanitation, preparation of food, availability of transport, victimization by teachers etc.

(Jurisdiction : Yogi Vemana University College, Kadapa  )

Mechanism of Dealing with Grievances

  • On receipt of written complaint / application the committee will decide the merit and genuinity of case regarding scope of further discussion / investigation and act promptly with an impartial and fair approach
  • The cell will review all complaints which come under its purview and will act formally accordingly as per the Institutional policy.
  • The cell will submit factual report with necessary recommendations to the authority about the grievances pursued and the number of pendingcases, if any, which require direction and guidance from the higher authorities.


The grievance Redressal cell shall not entertain the following issues:

  • Decisions of the executive council, academic council, Board of Studies and other administrative or academic committees constituted by the university.
  • Decisions with regard to award of scholarship, fee concessions, medals etc.
  • Decisions made by the university with regard to disciplinary matters and misconduct.
  • Decisions of the university about admissions in any courses offered by the institute.
  • Decisions by competent authority on assessment and examination result.
  • Matters involving familial issues and financial matters.
  • Matters related to Sexual Harrassment and Caste Discrimination ( Such matters to be referred to the Cells constituted )
  • Personal affairs and bickerings where there is no institutional involvement.
  • Grievance of general applicability or of collectivenature of raised collectively by more than one employee / student.

Note: Those who wish to want remain anonymous can opt the option while submitting their grievances and their suggestions for improving the academics/administration in the Institution.Strict confidentiality will be maintained.

ACTION TAKEN BY THE COMMITTEE: (How the Committee tackle the student expressed problem if any; year wise HERE)